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Faction selected : Eldars: Craftworlds

Type Name Requirements Publication Type Publication Page
HQ Asurmen Codex Eldar 92
HQ Autarch Codex Eldar 94
HQ Baharroth Codex Eldar 93
HQ Bel'Annath, Farseer of Mymeara Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 11 144
HQ Bel'Annath, Farseer of Mymeara Forge World Download FW psyckers update for 6th 144
HQ Eldrad Ulthran Codex Eldar 92
HQ Farseer Codex Eldar 95
HQ Fuegan Codex Eldar 93
HQ Illic Nightspear Codex Eldar 92
HQ Irillyth, Shade of the Twilight Forge World Download Update rules for IA11 6th 1
HQ Jain Zar Codex Eldar 93
HQ Karandras Codex Eldar 93
HQ Maugan Ra Codex Eldar 94
HQ Prince Yriel Codex Eldar 92
HQ Shadow Council Codex Supplement Iyanden 50
HQ Spiritseer Codex Eldar 95
HQ The Avatar of Khaine Codex Eldar 94
HQ Warlock Council Codex Eldar 95
HQ Wraithseer Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 98
Troops Dire Avengers Codex Eldar 96
Troops Gstorm Guardians Codex Eldar 96
Troops Guardian Defenders Codex Eldar 96
Troops Rangers Codex Eldar 97
Troops Windrider Jetbike Squad Codex Eldar 97
Dedicated Transport Wave Serpent Codex Eldar 97
Elites Fire Dragons Codex Eldar 98
Elites Harlequins Codex Eldar 99
Elites Howling Banshees Codex Eldar 98
Elites Striking Scorpions Codex Eldar 98
Elites Wraithblades Codex Eldar 99
Elites Wraithguard Codex Eldar 99
Fast Attack Crimson Hunter Codex Eldar 101
Fast Attack Hemlock Wraithfighter Codex Eldar 101
Fast Attack Hornet Squadron Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 100
Fast Attack Nightwing Interceptor Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Aeronotica 50
Fast Attack Shadow Spectres Forge World Download Update rules for IA11 6th 1
Fast Attack Shinning Spears Codex Eldar 100
Fast Attack Swooping Hawks Codex Eldar 100
Fast Attack Vyper Squadron Codex Eldar 101
Fast Attack Warp Spiders Codex Eldar 100
Fast Attack Wasp Assault Walker Squadron Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 11 188
Heavy Support Dark Reapers Codex Eldar 102
Heavy Support Falcon Codex Eldar 103
Heavy Support Fire Prism Codex Eldar 102
Heavy Support Fire Storm Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Aeronotica 54
Heavy Support Night Spinner Codex Eldar 102
Heavy Support Phoenix Bomber Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Aeronotica 49
Heavy Support Vaul's Wrath Support Battery Codex Eldar 102
Heavy Support War Walker Squadron Codex Eldar 103
Heavy Support Warp Hunter Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 99
Heavy Support Wraithknight Codex Eldar 103
Heavy Support Wraithlord Codex Eldar 103
Lords of War Cobra Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 93
Lords of War Lynx Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 97
Lords of War Phantom Titan Apocalypse Apocalypse 146
Lords of War Revenant Titan Apocalypse Apocalypse 148
Lords of War Revenant Titan Apocalypse Escalation 0
Lords of War Scorpion Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 94
Lords of War Vampire Hunter Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 96
Lords of War Vampire Raider Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 95
Detachments Bel'Annath's detachment Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 11 144
Formations Ghost Warriors Dataslate Ghost Warriors 0
Apocalypse Formations Cloudstrike Squadron Apocalypse Apocalypse 143
Apocalypse Formations Crystal Sons of Asuryan Apocalypse War Zone Valedor 45
Apocalypse Formations Farseer Council Apocalypse Apocalypse 144
Apocalypse Formations Gemini Revenant Squad Apocalypse War Zone Valedor 46
Apocalypse Formations Ghost Warrior Warhost Apocalypse War Zone Valedor 47
Apocalypse Formations Guardian Battlehost Apocalypse War Zone Valedor 49
Apocalypse Formations High Council of Iyanden Apocalypse War Zone Valedor 50
Apocalypse Formations Mindstorm Squadron Apocalypse War Zone Valedor 51
Apocalypse Formations Skyreaver Corsair Raiding Force Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse 3rd Edition 101
Apocalypse Formations Sunstorm Squadron Apocalypse Apocalypse 150
Apocalypse Formations The Crimson Death Apocalypse War Zone Valedor 44
Apocalypse Formations The Great Troupe Apocalypse War Zone Valedor 48
Apocalypse Formations The Phoenix Court of Khaine Apocalypse Apocalypse 145
Apocalypse Formations Windrider Host Apocalypse Apocalypse 152
Apocalypse Formations Wraithknight DreamWalker Squad Apocalypse Apocalypse 151
Artifact Faolchu's Wing Codex Eldar 69
Artifact Firesabre Codex Eldar 69
Artifact Guardien Helm of Xellethon Codex Supplement Iyanden 51
Artifact Mantle of the Laughing God Codex Eldar 69
Artifact Shard of Anaris Codex Eldar 69
Artifact Soulshrive Codex Supplement Iyanden 51
Artifact Spear of Teuthlas Codex Supplement Iyanden 51
Artifact The Celestial Lance Codex Supplement Iyanden 51
Artifact The Phoenix Gem Codex Eldar 69
Artifact The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan Codex Eldar 69
Artifact The Wraithforge Stone Codex Supplement Iyanden 51
Artifact Uldanorethi Long Rifle Codex Eldar 69