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Faction selected : Adeptus Astartes: Spaces Wolves

Type Name Requirements Publication Type Publication Page
HQ Bjorn The Fell-Handed Codex Space Wolves 57
HQ Canis Wolfborn Codex Space Wolves 51
HQ Harald Deathwolf Codex Space Wolves 50
HQ Njal Stormcaller Codex Space Wolves 53
HQ Ragnar Blackmane Codex Space Wolves 49
HQ Rune Priest Codex Space Wolves 52
HQ Ulrik the Slayer Codex Space Wolves 55
HQ Wolf Guard Battle Leader Codex Space Wolves 56
HQ Wolf Lord Codex Space Wolves 48
HQ Worf Priest Codex Space Wolves 54
Troops Blood Claws Codex Space Wolves 58
Troops Grey Hunters Codex Space Wolves 60
Troops Lukas the Trickster Codex Space Wolves 59
Elites Arjac Rockfist Codex Space Wolves 70
Elites Dreadnought Codex Space Wolves 66
Elites Iron Priest Codex Space Wolves 62
Elites Lone Wolf Codex Space Wolves 65
Elites Murderfang Codex Space Wolves 67
Elites Servitors Codex Space Wolves 63
Elites Wolf Guard Codex Space Wolves 68
Elites Wolf Guard Terminators Codex Space Wolves 69
Elites Wolf Scouts Codex Space Wolves 64
Fast Attack Drop Pod Codex Space Wolves 74
Fast Attack Fenrisian Wolves Codex Space Wolves 77
Fast Attack Land Speeders Codex Space Wolves 79
Fast Attack Razorback Codex Space Wolves 73
Fast Attack Skyclaws Codex Space Wolves 78
Fast Attack Stormwolf Codex Space Wolves 75
Fast Attack Swiftclaws Codex Space Wolves 71
Fast Attack Thunderwolf Cavalry Codex Space Wolves 76
Heavy Support Land Raider Codex Space Wolves 85
Heavy Support Land Raider Crusader Codex Space Wolves 86
Heavy Support Land Raider Redeemer Codex Space Wolves 87
Heavy Support Long Fangs Codex Space Wolves 81
Heavy Support Predator Codex Space Wolves 84
Heavy Support Stormfang Codex Space Wolves 80
Heavy Support Vindicator Codex Space Wolves 82
Heavy Support Whirlwind Codex Space Wolves 83
Lords of War Imperial Navy Marauder Bomber Forge World Download Lords of War 1
Lords of War Imperial Navy Marauder Destroyer Forge World Download Lords of War 1
Lords of War Imperial Reaver Titan Apocalypse Apocalypse - 6th 0
Lords of War Imperial Warhound Scout Titan Apocalypse Apocalypse - 6th 0
Lords of War Knight Cerastus Acheron Forge World Download Cerastus Acheron 1
Lords of War Knight Cerastus Castigator Forge World Download Cerastus Castigator 1
Lords of War Knight Cerastus Lancer Forge World Download Cerastus Lancer 1
Lords of War Knight Questoris Magaera Forge World Download Questoris Magaera 1
Lords of War Logan Grimnar Codex Space Wolves 88
Lords of War Marauder Bomber Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 47
Lords of War Marauder Destroyer Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 48
Detachments Compagny of the Great Wolf Detachment Codex Supplement Champions of Fenris 0
Detachments Wolves Unleashed Detachment Codex Spaces Wolves 102
Formations Arjac's Shieldbrothers Codex Supplement Champions of Fenris 0
Formations Brethren of the Fell-Handed Codex Supplement Champions of Fenris 0
Formations Great Company Codex Space Wolves 90
Formations Grimnar's Kingsguard Campaign Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf 0
Formations Grimnar's Wolf Council Codex Supplement Champions of Fenris 0
Formations Kingsguard Stormforce Codex Supplement Champions of Fenris 0
Formations Ragnar's Claws Campaign Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf 0
Formations The Champions of Fenris Codex Supplement Champions of Fenris 0
Formations The Fierce-Eye's Finest Campaign Sanctus Reach: Stormclaw 0
Formations Wolf Guard Thunderstrike Codex Supplement Champions of Fenris 0
Formations Wolf Guard Void Claws Codex Supplement Champions of Fenris 0
Formations Wolfguard Strike Force Campaign Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf 0