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Faction selected : Orks

Type Name Requirements Publication Type Publication Page
Sub-Faction Rules Dread Mob Army List Forge World Download The Ork Dread Mob Army List 1
HQ Big Mek Codex Orks 57
HQ Boss Zagstruk Codex Orks 61
HQ Kaptain Badrukk Codex Orks 60
HQ Mad Dok Grotsnik Codex Orks 59
HQ Mek Codex Orks 56
HQ Mek Boss Buzzgob Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
HQ Painboy Codex Orks 58
HQ Warboss Codex Orks 54
HQ Weirdboy Codex Orks 55
HQ Zhadsnark 'Da Rippa’ Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Troops Boyz Codex Orks 62
Troops Gretchins Codex Orks 63
Dedicated Transport Mekboy Junka For Big Meks Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Elites Mekboy Junka Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Elites Boss Snikrot Codex Orks 69
Elites Burna Boyz Codex Orks 64
Elites Grot Tank Battle Mob Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Elites Kommandos Codex Orks 68
Elites Meganobz Codex Orks 67
Elites Nobz Codex Orks 66
Elites Tankbustas Codex Orks 65
Fast Attack Attak Fighta Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Aeronotica 0
Fast Attack Blitza-Bommer Codex Orks 75
Fast Attack Burna-Bommer Codex Orks 74
Fast Attack Dakkajet Codex Orks 73
Fast Attack Deffkoptas Codex Orks 72
Fast Attack Fighta-Bommer Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Aeronotica 0
Fast Attack Grot Mega-tank Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 119
Fast Attack Stormboyz Codex Orks 71
Fast Attack Trukk Codex Orks 70
Fast Attack Warbikers Codex Orks 76
Fast Attack Warbuggies Codex Orks 77
Fast Attack Warkopta Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Heavy Support Battlewagon Codex Orks 79
Heavy Support Big Squiggoth Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 118
Heavy Support Big Trakk Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Heavy Support Deff Dreads Codex Orks 80
Heavy Support Flakk Trakk Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Aeronotica 0
Heavy Support Flakk Trukk Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Aeronotica 0
Heavy Support Flash Gitz Codex Orks 85
Heavy Support Gorkanauts Codex Orks 82
Heavy Support Gun Trukk Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Heavy Support Gun Wagon Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Heavy Support Killa Kans Codex Orks 81
Heavy Support Kustom Meka-dread Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 108
Heavy Support Lifta Wagon Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 116
Heavy Support Lootas Codex Orks 84
Heavy Support Mega-Dread Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 107
Heavy Support Mek Gunz Codex Orks 78
Heavy Support Morkanauts Codex Orks 83
Lords of War Big Mek Stompa Apocalypse Apocalypse - 6th 0
Lords of War Gargantuan Squiggoth Apocalypse Apocalypse - 6th 0
Lords of War Ghazhkull Thraka Codex Orks 86
Lords of War Kill Blasta Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 115
Lords of War Kill Bursta Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 114
Lords of War Kill Krusha Tank Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 112
Lords of War Kustom Battle Fortress Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Lords of War Kustom Stompa Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 8 0
Lords of War Kustom' Battle Fortress Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 110
Lords of War Stompa Codex Orks 87
Detachments Great Waaagh! Codex Supplement Waaagh! Ghazghkull 50
Detachments Ork Horde Detachment Codex Orks 102
Formations Blitz Brigade Codex Supplement Waaagh! Ghazghkull 0
Formations Boss Snikrot's Red Skull Kommandos Codex Supplement Waaagh! Ghazghkull 0
Formations Council of Waaagh! Codex Supplement Waaagh! Ghazghkull 0
Formations Da Vulcha Skwad Codex Supplement Waaagh! Ghazghkull 0
Formations Dread Mob Codex Supplement Waaagh! Ghazghkull 0
Formations Ghazghkull's Bullyboyz Codex Supplement Waaagh! Ghazghkull 0
Formations Gorkanaut Krushin' Krew Campaign Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh 0
Formations Green Tide Codex Supplement Waaagh! Ghazghkull 0
Formations Grukk's Goff Killermob Campaign Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf 0
Formations Grukk's Rippin' Krew Campaign Sanctus Reach: Stormclaw 0
Formations Kaptin Badrukk's Flash Gitz Campaign Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf 0
Formations Mogrok's Bossboyz Campaign Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh 0
Formations Ork Warband Codex Orks 88
Formations Skyboss Wingnutz Air Armada Campaign Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf 0
Formations Warband Ork Codex Orks 88