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  • Unit type

Faction selected : Tau Empire

Type Name Requirements Publication Type Publication Page
HQ Commander Ra’Lai Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
HQ Shas’O R’Myr Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
HQ XV81 Crisis Battlesuit Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
HQ XV84 Crisis Battlesuit Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Troops Drone Sentry Turret Team Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Troops Gue’vesa Auxillary Team Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Fast Attack Barracuda Air Superiority Fighter Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Fast Attack DX-6 Remora Drone Fighter Squadron Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Fast Attack Goaded Great Knarloc Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Fast Attack Kroot Knarloc Rider Herd Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Fast Attack Mounted Great Knarloc Herd Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Fast Attack Piranha TX-42 Squadron Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Fast Attack Tetra Scout Speeder Team Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Fast Attack XV109 Y'vahra Battlesuit Forge World Download Y'vahra 1
Fast Attack XV9 Hazard Close Support Team Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Heavy Support Hammerhead Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Heavy Support Heavy Gun Drone Squadron Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Heavy Support XV107 R'varna Battlesuit Forge World Download R’Varna V2 1
Lords of War Manta Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Lords of War Manta Super-heavy Dropship Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 126
Lords of War Orca Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Lords of War Orca Dropship Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 125
Lords of War Tiger Shark Apocalypse Escalation 0
Lords of War Tiger Shark AX 1-0 Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Lords of War Tiger Shark Fighter-bomber Imperial Armour Imperial Armour Apocalypse - 3rd 123
Fortifications Sensor Tower Grid Imperial Armour Imperial Armour 3 - 2nd 0
Formations Tau Firebase Support Cadre Dataslate Tau Firebase Support Cadre 0